Entry Fees and Deadlines
ENTRY FEE: $10 per entry
Submissions will be open February 17 to March 7, 2025. Winners will be announced in April.
Submission Requirements
All entries must meet the eligibility and deadline requirements. Entries must also be submitted in the correct category with accurately formatted file names. Each project entry should consist of a single JPEG file that adheres to the specified dimensions, file size and labeling guidelines listed below. Please note that no refunds will be issued for incorrect submissions.
All submissions must be paid at the time of submission unless otherwise noted. For student entries funded by community colleges, payment must be received by March 31, 2025.
Winners will be notified via email. Gold and Silver award recipients must submit a completed W-9 form to claim their prize money. Instructions for completing the electronic W-9 form will be provided in the notification email.
File Requirements
- Image width: 3840 pixels
- Image height: 2160 pixels
- Max file size: 10 MB
- File format: JPEG/JPG only
- File resolution: 72 ppi/dpi
- Number of files per submission: 1 file per project entry
File Naming
Name each JPEG entry exactly as follows. Submissions with incorrect file information (e.g., improper name, format, dimensions or resolution) may result in disqualification or penalties at the judges’ discretion.
- Category#_FirstLast_Title.jpg
- Example: 05_BobSmith_MoviePoster.jpg
- Exclude any special characters from the file name of your entries.
Tips & Suggestions For Successful Entries
Multiples pages/items: Combine into one organized layout.
For books, editorial layouts and collateral: You may include a closeup of typographic detail. It is not necessary to include every page or spread.
For online & interactive: For online submissions, please include the URL with the submission form. A jpeg with thumbnails of the website is required with each entry. Websites and interactive designs must currently be active online. If a password is required to view, add into the password area when submitting.
For visual reference, view our previous year’s winners.
Layout File Tips
Create a new file that is set up as 3840 pixels wide x 2160 pixels high.
Once your layout is complete, export your submission as a JPEG.
File > Export
In “Save As” dialogue box:
- Save as using the proper naming convention
- Change format to JPEG from the dropdown
- Click “Save” button
In “Export JPEG” dialogue box:
- Quality: Maximum
- Format Method: Baseline
- Resolution: 72
- Color Space: RGB
- Click “Export” button
Create a new file that is 3840 pixels wide x 2160 pixels high.
Once your layout is complete, export your submission as a JPEG.
File > Export > Export As
In “Save As” dialogue box:
- Save as using the proper naming convention
- Change format to JPEG from the dropdown
- Check box for “Use Artboards”
- Click “Export” button
In “JPEG Options” dialogue box:
- Color Model: RGB
- Quality: 10 (Maximum)
- Compression Method: Baseline (Standard)
- Resolution: Screen (72 ppi)
- Click “OK” button
Create a new file that is 3840 pixels wide x 2160 pixels high; 72 pixels/inch; RGB.
Once your layout is complete, save your submission as a JPEG.